Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Preparing Students for Tomorrow's Careers

Wow, who really remembers what life was like before the internet and emails? How did we function? So dependent have we become in such a short time. But this only shows the exponential ease, efficiency, and effectiveness paramount to advancements in technology. I am sure these same questions were asked about microwaves, television, radio, telephone, electricity, self-powered machinery, and so on. Anyway, it is virtually incomprehensible survive today without personal computers, internet, and email. In fact, besides our duty at our respective campuses, our coursework embodies specifically this point. What will the new advances be? We can only speculate about the near future due to its unpredictability as the rate of technology increases exponentially. We truly are preparing students for jobs that do not yet exist – and the only way to do that is to supply them with the skills we have acquired and those who travelled this path before us. Higher-level thinking skills and efficiency in problem solving will establish the elite in every generation.

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